
Random CRON Apps

This app will create random apps in your 'Run as task'-list, scheduled daily between 08 and 23. It will use apps from your favorite app list, combined with the apps you already have in your tasks-list. When you schedule this app at night or at the beginning of the day, your Karotz will refresh your tasks every day with a new random list of favorite apps. This way, it will run your favorite apps at random times every day, fully automatically. In the settings below, you can enter 'sometimes', 'default' or 'often' to decrease or increase the number of random events.

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Where is your Karotz?

We cannot find your Karotz right now, maybe you have not installed our TimeButton software?

Install the TimeButton software on your Karotz, press the button on its head and start to explore the new world of Karotz!

If you have installed the software before, press the button on your Karotz so we can update your IP-address and find your rabbit again.